Our Mission
Offering the first end-to-end portfolio of chronic wound care solutions, which is personalised and affordable
What we do

Autologous Cell Therapy

Allogenic Cell Therapy
Enzyme Therapy
Medical Device

The healiva® Approach
Our pipeline products address the entire spectrum of the wound-care process for chronic wounds, from key first steps to the completion of closure.

Epidermal cell graft
Personalized treatment for the most severe chronic wounds.

Healiva 002
Allogenic cell spray
Growth factor stimulation with ability to scale to large number of patients.

Healiva 003
Enzymatic debriding agent
Painless, easy-to-use and wound cleaning and preparation.

Healiva 004
Blood Patch
Autologous patch prepared at Point of Care by healthcare professional.

Chronic Wounds
Wound debridement
#1 Wound debridement
healiva® 003 / Enzymatic Debrider spray cleans wounds.
#2 Intervention*
healiva® 002 or healiva® 004 interventions are used for early-stage chronic wounds (Chronic Venous Leg Ulcers (VLU) & Diabetic Foot Ulcers /DFU).
healiva® 001 / Cell therapy intervention for severe, hard-to-heal wounds (Recalcitrant Venous Leg Ulcers).
#3 Complete closure
Completion of wound closure
*Healiva products can be sequential or individual treatment